Post Employment Opportunities
MassHire-North Shore Career Center can help you post your job openings at no cost to your company. These job opportunities will appear on the Massachusetts’ JobQuest Job Bank. Mass JobQuest is utilized by applicants within the region, across the state and throughout the country by connecting with the Department of Labor’s the national Job Bank. Speak with a member of the MassHire business services team or allow us to help your post your job by using this Job Description Form.
We offer initial prescreening candidates for critical qualifications to ensure that you are seeing candidates that meet the criteria important to your organization.
Job Fairs/Recruitment Events
The MassHire-North Shore Career Centers coordinate all-inclusive, mini and industry specific Job Fairs/Recruitment Events, bringing together motivated applicants and employers.
Targeted Recruitment & Job Matching
We provide targeted recruitment services and job matching for when you need to find that unique candidate to fill your staffing needs.
Workforce Training Fund
The Workforce Training Fund Program helps address business productivity and competitiveness by providing resources to Massachusetts businesses to fund training for current and newly hired employees. For additional information please contact one of our business representatives at 978-825-7200 or visit the Workforce Training Fund site.
Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC)
MassHire-North Shore Career Center is an active member of this regional collaboration among industry, academia, and government that was created in 2012 to define and implement the Commonwealth’s advanced manufacturing strategy within the Northeast region of Massachusetts. Contact Tedi Markham at MassHire to learn how NAMC programs can help you find the manufacturing staff you seek.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC)
WOTC is a Federal tax credit incentive that employers may receive for hiring individuals from certain groups who have consistently faced barriers to employment. Learn how to apply for WOTC online.