March 18 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Does your résumé do a good job at portraying the resourceful and effective professional you are? Oftentimes, highly qualified job seekers are not seen by employers because the presentation is “off.” Worse yet: Sometimes, good candidates package their greatest assets in ways that cause the résumé to backfire. This webinar will help you identify powerful verbiage that gives you a real shot at piquing the employer’s interest. You will come away knowing how to infuse your résumé with a vibrant value proposition showing you are the solution to the employer’s needs.
This is one of our two résumé-themed webinars. Our other résumé-themed webinar is Get Your Résumé Runway-Ready. We strongly suggest that webinar as well. It is about getting your résumé to stand out with fresh and eye-popping looks.