Are you looking for a career change? Have your career interests shifted? Maybe your skills have become less relevant in your current field? No matter what the reason may be, if you are considering changing careers, then you will want to build the necessary skills you will need to have in the field that you choose. Read on to evaluate your transferable skills, how they may help you land your dream job, and how you can start building on the skills you already have.
Most people who think about shifting careers mistakenly think they are going back to square one in their job search. That could not be farther from the truth. Whether you realize it or not, you already have an arsenal of skills acquired from past positions that are transferable to a different type of career, industry, or work environment.
What are Transferable Skills?
Transferable skills are the fundamental building blocks of any career. Included in this category of skills are your talents for communicating, leading others, working as a solid team member, your ability to access technology, be creative, and think critically. These skills are some of the most important skills that you will want to highlight during your career change, so be sure to emphasize them on your resume and mention them during interviews. Before beginning to fine-tune your resume to showcase these skills, make a list of successes or projects that you have worked on that were dependent on these transferable skills.
Research the Skills Needed in Your New Career
Before you begin building on the skills you already have, you will want to do some research on your new career. What skills should you be striving for? Will you need college classes, a certificate of some kind, a degree, or specialized training? Talk to as many people as you know, or can access, about what it takes to make it in the field to where you are shifting. Career Centers in your area should be able to help with this research. Consider coming into our MassHire North Shore Career Center to get started on your examination of what it will take to succeed in your new field. Our workshops can help you focus on what you need for the future and how your past positions can help get you there.
Consider an Internship
The double edged sword of not having any experience, but how will you get any without a job can be solved by considering an internship. Whether paid or unpaid, internships can get you the experience and, in some cases, the training you will need to get your foot in the door of your new career. Again, consult our North Shore Career Center to look into internships that could help you find your dream job.
Networking and Informational Interviews
Making a change in careers isn’t easy, but you can help yourself by getting to know the people who can help you find employment through networking and going on informational interviews. Check out local and regional networking events to find out more about the industry, current trends, companies that are hiring, and current happenings. It will also allow you the opportunity to vocalize your intent to change careers. Check out our networking groups online.
Take it one step further and set up a few informational interviews with people who are doing what you’d one day like to do. They can give you solid advice on how to enter the field and impress in an interview, which is invaluable information to someone completely new to the industry.
If you are making a career change and want to build your skillset talk to one of our professionals at MassHIre North Shore Career Center and get started beefing up your skills, resume, and land yourself the job you have been wishing for.